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Bankers world

OAfter JuliaS

People don't transact in gold and therefore don't set its price. Banks do. That is their currency - that is how they call eachother's bluff. Fiat is what they have for the rest of us to play with while they do real business - selling and buying entire countries worth of assets within a span of a day.

Most of the world's gold belongs to institutions - not individuals. Against other hard assets it preserves stable value, but only they are allowed to actually trade it directly. We have to jump through hoops.

You want gold? Sure! Work for the bank directly or indirectly by earning a fiat denominated fiat-taxed paycheque. Trade it in for gold if you want. By the time you do, you've already enriched the bank. Play your little "I'm ourside of the system" game. When it comes time to pay rent or buy groceries, go and trade your gold in for fiat again. Surrender the margin. Enrich the bank yet again.

Believe gold will make you immune from monopoly money? Then find a place that pays wages in gold, next to a house that accepts rent in gold and a store that sells groceries for gold... and all of which file taxes to the IRS in gold. If you can't do that, then monopoly money is all you're even going to have. You can hold gold for a while, play with it, admire its shine for as long as you keep producing your fair share of goods and services for the benefit of the central bank. Exchange rate? Oh, it'll be 100, it'll be 1000, it'll be 5000. Meanwhile you'll remain the very same slave to the central bank. For every 2 units of energy produced, you'll share one with the master.

For a premium the bank will let you enjoy the illusion of being a home owner, without being able to own land it stands on. You can be a gold owner without the ability to earn or spend it. You can rent any illusion you want from the bank... and it costs almost nothing. All you have to do is surrender just one tiny invisible thing that you seem to have no use for anyway - your soul.

The problem with the engineered financial system we're in is that through mere existence we're enriching those living at our expense.

The relationship between an individual and the bank resembles that of a human host and a tapeworm. It is possible to exist discomfort-free, not even being aware of infection by eating enough food to keep the worm fed. It is only when human goes hungry then the worm gets agitated and begins burrowing deeper into the digestive tissue. It starts devouring the host.

Until a shortage of nutrition occurs, the human typically interprets the sense of hunger as his own. The person consumes energy, but it doesn't reach the lower digestive tract, so he eats more and more, which is eactly what the warm wants.

What the bank wants is for you to work. Since money is tied directly to the economic activity, the more you do for anyone (including yourself), the more you do for them. The longer you remain complacent, the bigger they'll grow and the more pain they'll enflict when the food runs out. Their leverage over your decisions will increase the longer you play their game.

Gold is a better alternative to fiat, if you ask me, much like food is a better alternative to hunger or poison. What makes a huge difference here is whether your "gut sense" is your own, or one manufactured by the parasite.

I believe that buying gold in a fiat regime does damage. I believe that reduced consumption is a better part of the complex solution to the world we're in; however there's an obstacle that I call the "Maddox principle" based on the infamous counter-vegetarian comeback: "For every animal you don't eat, I'm going to eat three". Reduced consumption only starves the beast if it's a popular trend - if everyone does it. Otherwise for every fiat dollar not earned and spent someone's going to borrow and spend 3. Back to square one.

Fighting the system is hard. No doubt about that. I have my beef with the banks, but I'm even more fearful of the people who treat banks like equal members of the community...

... people who treat tape worms like they're pet chiwawas. Metaphorically speaking, of course


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