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Showing posts from November, 2011

Bundestag 'ashamed' by racist murders

 German parliamentarians from across the political spectrum expressed shame Tuesday over a decade-long murder spree blamed on a neo-Nazi cell and pledged to do more to protect the nation's minority communities. Remember the pregnant Egyptian lady in Dresden last year? She was a university researcher thus educated middle class. When a white guy started hurling racial abuse at her in in a childrens' playground she did the educated middle class thing and took him to court. In court he vaulted over tables and chairs and stabbed her half a dozen times with a knife he had brought in with him. Nobody did anything. Her husband rushed over to intervene, got knifed and to add insult to injury the court policeman then came in, saw two brown people struggling for their lives against a knife wielding white guy and what did he do? He emptied his gun into the victim's husband. The woman died, she was pregnant, the baby died, the husband left Germany and went home with his old...

Bank of international settlements

/wikipedia/   Emil Puhl und die „Goldwäsche“ in der Schweiz Neben seiner Tätigkeit als geschäftsführender Vizepräsident und damit „heimlicher Herrscher der Reichsbank mit exzellenten Beziehungen zu Himmler, Heydrich und zur SS“ [12] galt ein Schwerpunkt von Puhls Arbeit vor und während des Zweiten Weltkriegs seinem Amt als einer der Präsidenten der Bank für Internationalen Zahlungsausgleich in der neutralen Schweiz. Die Schweiz sollte nach 1939 zur „Golddrehscheibe Europas“ werden, die dem nationalsozialistischen Regime Deutschlands und seinen Helfern wertvolle Dienste bei der Verwertung und „Wäsche“ des schmutzigen, weil in den besetzten Ländern geraubten Goldes leistete. Die Schweiz und ihre Nationalbank wickelten annähernd vier Fünftel der Goldverkäufe der Deutschen Reichsbank ab. Emil Puhls Rolle dabei war vergleichbar der eines „Dealers“, der den Nationalbankiers in Bern das deutsche Raubgold brachte und es gegen harte Schweizer Franken tauschte. Diese De...

Rebel against the gold

Jedna z pierwszych decyzji tzw rebeliantow w libi po zdobyciu pierwszego miasta bylo ..... utworzenie banku centralnego i drukowanie pieniedzy. /za It remains unclear exactly why or how the Gadhafi regime went from “ a model” and an “important ally” to the next target for regime change in a period of just a few years. But after claims of “genocide” as the justification for NATO intervention were disputed by experts, several other theories have been floated. Oil, of course, has been mentioned frequently — Libya is Africa‘s largest oil producer. But one possible reason in particular for Gadhafi’s fall from grace has gained significant traction among analysts and segments of the non-Western media : c entral banking and the global monetary system . According to more than a few observers, Gadhafi’s plan to quit selling Libyan oil in U.S. dollars — demanding payment instead in gold-backed “dinars” (a single African currency made from gold) — was the...